Wildflower honey is a kind of honey that honeybees produce in nature as these pollinators are able to combine different types of nectar when buzzing around the nature. For this reason, wildflower honey often surprises everyone’s palate with its unique, delicate flavour.
Did you know that you will never find wildflower honey which is identical to another? Each jar is like a sweet photograph of the place from which it comes from: it is the all-round expression of the smells, colours and flavours of a territory, as well as the season in which it was produced by the bees. This is the secret of its uniqueness. For instance, the so-called “High-Mountain Multi-floral honey” encompasses the typical smells and fresh sensations of nature trails at an altitude of over 1,400 metres.
There is one thing that all multifloral honey shares: the explosion of aromas and scents that make them up and will amaze you every time.
If someone told you that it is a second quality product, compared to the more refined unifloral honeys, well…you can have a good laugh!
In fact, combining the properties of so many different plant species, it has an unparalleled wealth of nutrients compared to any other variety of honey.
Let’s find out what the most important properties are:
- Excellent for children, pregnant women, elderly people and, generally speaking, anyone who wants to boost their strength. In this regard, research conducted by the Department of Basic Medical Sciences (Iran) has demonstrated that the flavonoids and polyphenols contained in honey have highly positive effects for the treatment of certain conditions such as coughs, gastrointestinal problems, and seasonal flu.
- It enhances cognitive function. In this regard, it has been shown that this precious product reduces stress levels and cognitive ageing, by restoring the cellular antioxidant defence system.
- It nourishes skin and hair: it is excellent for preparing natural packs and masks to improve the appearance and tone of the skin. It can also be useful for combating acne in a completely natural way. It is effective for healing wounds and burns. It is also indicated for relieving the redness and itching caused by mosquito bites thanks to its antibacterial and soothing functions.
- Restores radiance and vigour to the hair and counteracts seasonal allergies. By taking it in small doses, the body’s reactions are improved.
- It contains no gluten, so it is also suitable for those with coeliac disease or intolerances.