Even bees can count!

If we talk about mental number line we make reference to the spatial representations of numbers and the ability of organize elements. Previous studies have suggested that the ability to sort from small to large, and therefore to count, from left to right was a skill that would have been developed along with the ability to read. However, research carried out in the Western world has shown that, despide this, children who cannot read and write are able to organize objects from left to right. Recent studies have provided evidence regarding the ability to sort objects from left to right of non-human animals.

From this perspective honey bees are an interesting case to investigate since it is an insect (and therefore allows to extend the study to insects as well as humans and animals) that has proved counting abilities. An experiment was then carried out which purpose was to verify whether these insects were able to sort numbers from the smallest to the largest.

During the test, water and sugar was used as a reward in front of images that always counted the same number of elements (1,3 or 5). Then, the same honey bees were put in front. of different numerical choices and, in the absence of the reward with water and sugar, observing the images, bees moved to find the number they had been trained to, following a growing order from left to right.

Scientists have suggested that this ability is linked to the fact that bees are able to process information differently in the two hemispheres of their brains. It is not clear yet why the choice falls on organizing the elements from left to right. It is, however, an established knowledge that there are nations that culturally organize elements from right to left, and this is probably a synonym of the fact that culture is able to act on the innate nature of things, nurture influences nature.

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