Nature won: Europe approves Biodiversity Restoration Regulation

A Wind of Hope Blows Across Europe: The European Parliament Approves the Nature Restoration Regulation. A landmark decision marks a turning point in the fight against biodiversity decline, a crisis that threatens the future of our planet and the well-being of all of us.

The objective is ambitious but necessary: to restore at least 30% of degraded habitats by 2030, 60% by 2040, and 90% by 2050. A Herculean task that will require commitment and collaboration from everyone – citizens, governments, and businesses.

But why is restoring nature so important?

Healthy ecosystems are the foundation of our lives. They provide us with food, clean water, clean air, and regulate the climate. They are also home to millions of living species, many of which have yet to be discovered. Unfortunately, due to decades of intensive exploitation, ecosystems in Europe are in grave danger. Over 80% of natural habitats are in poor conservation status, and one-third of plant and animal species are at risk of extinction.

The Nature Restoration Regulation is a decisive response to this crisis. It introduces a series of concrete measures to reverse the course, including:

  • Planting 3 billion trees by 2030
  • Restoring drained peatlands
  • Implementing measures for the renaturation of cities
  • Ensuring that there is no net loss of urban green spaces by 2030

Italy, unfortunately, voted against the regulation, along with 4 other countries. The reasons for the no vote are linked to fears that the measure could have a negative impact on economic activities, particularly agriculture and fishing. Concerns about economic impacts are understandable, but a balance must be found between environmental protection and economic development. We must invest in innovative and sustainable solutions that create new jobs and ensure long-term prosperity.

The Nature Restoration Regulation is an opportunity not to be missed. A chance to build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

What can we citizens do to help?

  • Reduce our consumption of resources
  • Choose sustainable products
  • Participate in volunteer activities for environmental protection
  • Raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity

Together we can make a difference!Let’s not let this opportunity slip away. Together, we can revive nature and build a greener and more sustainable future for all.

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