Corporate Sustainability Pills: the partnership between Develer and Beeing

Today we are pleased to continue our #PillolediSostenibilitáAziendale column by interviewing Matteo Benci from Develer: a highly specialized company in the design and creation of custom software and hardware.

Together with Matteo, we recently collaborated on an important green project aimed at protecting bees and the surrounding environment. This project represents a significant step towards safeguarding our planet and we are excited to share our partnership with you.

1. Who are you and what role do you play in the company? What does DEVELER do?

My name is Matteo Benci and I am a specialized technician for one of our business units. I am responsible for carrying out interventions, both remotely and on-site, training, manuals and presentations for our customers and our partners and collaborators. In addition, I am the head of the LifeStyle team, an internal team whose purpose is to create opportunities for socialization and teambuilding within the company. For this reason, we have periodically partnered with Beeing to adopt beehives with the company and give our colleagues honey and bee seeds.

2. What are your values, especially in the field of environmental, social and economic sustainability? What positive impact do you want to have on your sector, the territory and the community around you?

Develer has always promoted many social values such as support for diversity, inclusion and, of course, sustainability. It does this first of all by transmitting these values to its employees and, when possible, also with small contributions such as the partnership with Beeing or with internal initiatives that lead to the dissemination of the ideas of a sustainable life and respect for others and the ecosystem that hosts us.

3. How did the partnership with Beeing come about? How did the idea of using bees as part of your biodiversity protection project come about?

Every year we try to propose new initiatives that offer our colleagues new experiences and that spread the culture of respect and sustainability, both at the ecosystem level and in terms of work-life balance. A few years ago we had this half-idea of proposing this partnership as part of the Christmas gift that the company gives to all its employees every year and we chose Beeing for the reliability it has shown us from the start and its ability to respond to our needs promptly and always in a positive way.

4. Did the project manage to involve employees? Did it encourage employees to take action to protect the environment?

Yes, many were enthusiastic and often told us about how they had then used the bee-friendly seeds (offered by Beeing) to create small “bee islands” in barren or flowerless places. They all feel responsible and with small gestures they can help improve a situation that involves and affects everyone.

5. What is the key message that you would like to convey to other companies or organizations that want to undertake similar environmental sustainability initiatives? What are the fundamental steps you would recommend them to follow to be successful?

To think that these initiatives are not a cost, but an investment. An investment, first of all, in your employees and colleagues to build a more responsible and sustainable environment starting from the very environment of internal corporate relations. For employees, it is important to know that the company cares about people and the environment and that it is committed to doing everything it can. Every drop counts in the ocean and even small gestures like these, united together, represent an important step that needs to be taken at the social level. It is often thought that companies only care about their wallets and, of course, that is the main priority, but there are many companies that are increasingly attentive and ready to take concrete action on social issues. Finally, a managerial class is being built that understands that these changes that we are all experiencing are not separate from the life of companies, but instead concern those same companies both through the people who populate them and make them alive and aware, and through economic developments that increasingly directly affect the contexts in which they sink their roots and from which they draw their sustenance.

Develer’s experience with Beeing shows how collaboration between companies and organisations dedicated to sustainability can generate a significant positive impact. The adoption of a company beehive and the distribution of the honey produced involved employees, raising their awareness of the importance of protecting biodiversity and stimulating them to take concrete actions in favour of the environment.

The example of Develer represents a model for companies wishing to embark on a concrete and engaging path of sustainability. Investing in initiatives that promote respect for the environment and the well-being of employees not only helps to create a better future for the planet, but also strengthens the company’s image and reputation.

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