Corporate Sustainability Pills: the partnership between Coesa and Beeing

Welcome to this interview with Fabiana Viletto, Head of Communication and Marketing at COESA, a certified Energy Service Company (ESCo) based in Italy.

In the course of this conversation, we will explore COESA’s role in the energy transition, its core values regarding environmental, social and economic sustainability, and the concrete actions the company takes to achieve its goals and create a positive impact on the territory.

Who are you and what role do you play in the company? What does COESA do?

My name is Fabiana Viletto and I am the Communication and Marketing Manager at Coesa srl, a company certified as an Energy Service Company (ESCo) with over ten years of experience in the field of energy transition. We are dedicated to accessing incentives to promote energy and thermal efficiency solutions for companies, public administrations, third sector entities and private individuals. We specialise in the design and installation of large-scale photovoltaic systems.

What are your values, especially in the field of environmental, social and economic sustainability?

We work every day to facilitate the energy transition, both for ourselves and for our planet. Customers and the sustainability of our business are the foundation of everything we do. This is one of our core values: we strive every day to offer products and services that not only meet customers’ needs, but also respect the environment and promote ethical practices.

What can a company like COESA do to achieve its sustainability goals?

Our mission is clear: we offer customers the best energy efficiency solutions. We facilitate access to dedicated incentives, allowing each customer to carry out energy efficiency measures to improve their company or private building and contribute to environmental well-being. We complement these initiatives with further practices, such as ESG projects, promoting good habits within the company and paying attention to waste. In addition, we have participated in reforestation projects in our territory.

How did the partnership with Beeing come about? How did the idea of using bees as part of your biodiversity protection project come about?

On the occasion of our 11th anniversary, we wanted to make a gift to all our employees, combining the concept of gift with that of sustainability. We therefore decided to support beekeeping, recognising the fundamental importance of bees for our survival. This year, we renewed our membership of Beeing and decided to adopt our company beehive.

Has the project succeeded in involving employees? Has it stimulated employees to take action to protect the environment?

Yes, last year we organised a more fun moment during which we held a team quiz on the topic of sustainability. The winner would have the opportunity to break a piñata containing bags of bee-friendly flower seeds. Afterwards, we handed out adoption certificates to the adopters of each team.

Could you share any significant anecdotes or experiences you have had during the implementation of the project? Were there any moments that particularly excited you?

It was really fun to roll up our sleeves and plant the seeds of bee-friendly flowers together.

What are your future plans to further expand or improve the project?

We would like to keep this project going every year and, above all, expand it more and more with the aim of supporting bees and beekeepers more and more. We would also like to collaborate with you to increase the number of beekeepers participating in Beeing, so as to make your activity and the support you can offer known.

What is the key message you would like to convey to other companies or organisations wishing to undertake similar environmental sustainability initiatives? What are the key steps you would advise them to follow to be successful?

Not all companies can directly integrate sustainability initiatives into their business, but it is always crucial to allocate a part of the budget to projects that contribute to sustainability goals, even if only in a small way. These are the many small pieces that make up a bigger picture. It is not essential to take big actions right away, but it is possible to contribute gradually, piece by piece. Beeing certainly represents a first step in the puzzle of environmental sustainability.

Thank you Fabiana for sharing with us COESA’s vision and commitment to promoting energy transition and sustainability. COESA’s example demonstrates how companies can play a key role in building a greener and more resilient future, not only through their core operations, but also by adopting fair and responsible internal practices and promoting community outreach and involvement initiatives.

We are confident that COESA will continue to be a pioneer in energy efficiency and a role model for other companies wishing to contribute to a more sustainable world!

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