Corporate Sustainability Pills: Kama Association’s beekeeping education project

Recently, we had the pleasure of meeting the Kama Association, a non-profit organization founded in 2007 that promotes psycho-physical well-being and conscious lifestyles through cultural, educational and social activities. With a holistic view of the human being, Kama works for the protection of the environment and human rights, favoring harmonious evolution and shared growth.

To carry out their initiatives, they have decided to expand their “I Pazzerelli” project with the purchase of the B-BOX Plus package, which includes one of our special B-BOX educational beehive and a training course with a professional beekeeper partner of Beeing. This will allow them to start a path focused on beekeeping and educate children about the importance of bees for our planet.

Introduce yourself and your association. What do you do?

Hi! I’m Brigida and I work as an instructor and holistic practitioner at the Kama Association. It is a non-profit organisation that promotes people’s psychophysical well-being through a wide range of holistic disciplines. Our mission is to realise activities aimed at the psycho-physical well-being of the person, so as to promote and support conscious and responsible lifestyles in every social, cultural and educational sphere in order to safeguard the environment, human rights, legality and the harmonious evolution of each person. In the spirit of this goal, the “I Pazzerelli” project was born. Who are they? All dreamers who are convinced that they can still change the world even if it currently seems to be drifting, those who have never stopped loving the beauty of our Planet, those who work silently for a new society, those who roll up their sleeves despite the difficulties, those who have never abandoned their dreams, those who want to find themselves and those who have always loved freedom. The key points of our project are precisely care for the Earth, recovery of ancient craft activities such as creative recycling workshops and, last but not least, personal growth paths (such as yoga, meditation and inner growth paths).

What prompted you to decide to install a B-BOX educational beehive?

We installed our B-BOX beehive about two months ago at our “I Pazzerelli” center for two main reasons:education and awareness of the importance of bees for children. In fact, we regularly welcome a large number of children as part of an integrated nature education project. Unfortunately, we have noticed that many of them have a real terror of insects. The B-BOX educational beehive represents a unique opportunity to bring children closer to bees in a safe and direct way, allowing them to observe them up close and dispel unfounded fears.

We firmly believe that experiential learning is fundamental for a complete and meaningful education. Through direct interaction with bees, children can develop a deeper understanding of their essential role in the ecosystem and learn to respect them as living and precious creatures.Bees are essential pollinating insects for our survival and the health of the planet. Installing a B-BOX educational hive allows us to raise awareness among children and their families about the importance of protecting bees and their habitat.

Through observing bees at work, children can understand the pollination process and its vital role in food production. In addition, they can learn simple actions to put into practice daily to help protect bees, such as planting nectar-producing flowers and avoiding the use of harmful pesticides. The B-BOX educational beehive fits perfectly into our environmental education project, offering children a unique and engaging learning experience that goes beyond the theoretical notions learned in textbooks.

Have you already started a training course with the professional beekeeper partner of BEEING? If so, how was your experience?

Yes, we had the pleasure of taking a training course with the professional beekeeper Fabio, a BEEING partner. The experience was truly enriching and precious! Fabio accompanied us on the discovery of the wonderful world of bees, sharing his great experience and passion with us. Together with his father, a beekeeper for generations, they revealed the secrets of this fascinating craft to us, introducing us to beekeeping techniques and illustrating the importance of the role of bees in the ecosystem.

In addition to the theory, we had the opportunity to have a practical experience directly in the apiary, observing the bees at work up close and learning to handle the beehives with care. Fabio also had us taste honey produced by his bees, and this allowed us to fully appreciate the goodness and quality of this genuine product, the fruit of the tireless work of bees.

Do you have any future projects?

Thanks to Fabio’s enthusiasm and professionalism, we have decided to collaborate with him to organize a series of meetings dedicated to children and adults. The goal is to share with a wider audience the knowledge and passion for beekeeping, transmitting the importance of protecting these insects essential for our health and for the planet.

During the meetings, participants will be able to visit the educational beehive up close, observe the bees in their natural habitat, and learn about their life cycle. In addition, they will have the opportunity to taste and savor hive products, such as honey, propolis and royal jelly, and discover their beneficial properties.

We are convinced that these meetings will be a precious opportunity to bring children closer to the world of bees, debunk false myths and raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. The collaboration with Fabio, an expert and passionate beekeeper, represents a guarantee of quality and professionalism for us, which will allow us to offer the public a unique and unforgettable experience.

The Kama Association’s initiative with the “I Pazzerelli” project is an enlightening example of how environmental education can blossom into concrete and engaging experiences for youngsters. Through the installation of an educational B-BOX beehive and the collaboration with Beeing, an experienced beekeeper like Fabio and his father, Kama not only enriches the children’s educational experience, but also lays the foundations for greater environmental awareness among adults and children.

The B-BOX educational beehive is thus transformed into an open-air classroom, where children can observe bees at work up close, dispel unfounded fears and understand the fundamental role of these pollinators for our survival and the health of the planet. The meetings with Fabio and his father, full of anecdotes and knowledge passed down from generation to generation, provide a valuable opportunity to approach the world of bees with respect and curiosity. The tasting of honey and other beehive products completes the sensory experience, educating on taste and appreciating the tireless work of these precious insects.

Kama’s initiative demonstrates how small actions, such as installing an educational beehive, can have a big impact on the community and the planet. By raising awareness among young people about the importance of bees and respect for the environment, the foundations are laid for a more sustainable and harmonious future.

The Kama B-BOX educational beehive thus becomes a reminder to us all: an invitation to rediscover the value of nature, to take care of our planet and to look at bees not as creatures to be feared, but as valuable allies for our well-being and that of future generations.

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