City on a Bee’s Measure: An Exhibition to Unite Nature and Urbanisation

Urban environments are growing at an incredible rate, yet it is essential to find ways to create a harmonious balance between urbanisation and nature. The exhibition ‘Cities on a Bee’s Measure’, currently running at the Science Museum of Trento (MUSE) until 15 October 2023, offers a fascinating insight into the world of bees and invites us to reflect on how we can make our cities more sustainable for both: us and the pollinators.

The exhibition is a visual and informative work of art, curated by Luca Mazzocchi, Nicola Orempuller and MUSE biologist Maria Vittoria Zucchelli. Through breathtaking photographs and in-depth analyses, this exhibition transports us into the delicate and fascinating world of bees within cities. The photos capture the beauty and diversity of these pollinators in an urban environment, showing how important it is to preserve them.

A crucial aspect of the exhibition is the focus on environmentally sustainable actions that can make cities not only more welcoming for humans but also for pollinators. Many municipalities are taking urban planning measures that create suitable habitats for bees and other pollinators, recognising their vital role within urban ecosystems. This change in perspective and awareness is helping to promote harmonious coexistence between human communities and nature.

Project curator Maria Vittoria Zucchelli explains that the idea of creating this exhibition matured gradually. It began with educational workshops in schools, the creation of a large insect hotel in the MUSE gardens, and the organisation of conferences on the importance of bees for citizens. The BeeTrento project also involved monitoring the environmental quality of the city of Trento. These steps represent the ongoing commitment of the MUSE to keep the focus on the protection of pollinators and their importance for biodiversity.



In recent years, bees and other pollinators have faced several threats, including the overuse of pesticides, habitat loss and climate change. These factors have caused a significant decrease in pollinator populations, with negative consequences for ecosystems. The exhibition ‘Bee Friendly Cities’ underlines the urgency of protecting these vital beings and taking concrete actions to ensure their survival.

The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between the Science Museum of Trento (MUSE), the Municipality of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Trento and the support of Ricola. This partnership demonstrates how the protection of pollinators and the promotion of a sustainable urban environment are shared efforts involving different stakeholders.

In conclusion, ‘Bee Friendly Cities’ is an extraordinary opportunity to explore the world of bees in cities and reflect on how we can contribute to creating more sustainable and nature-friendly urban environments. This exhibition invites us to become aware of the importance of pollinators and to join in their defence, so that they can continue to play their fundamental role in preserving biodiversity and enriching our urban lives.

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