Biodiversity Pills: the Apincittá Biodiversity Park

Passion for nature and environmental protection can make the difference for our survival and the future of our Planet. Mattia, lawyer and founder of the Apincittà association, tells us how he decided to dedicate himself to the creation of a green oasis in the heart of Monza and how this project is involving more and more people.

Who are you and what role do you play in the association?

My name is Mattia, I work as a lawyer and I am the founder and president of the Apincittá association.

What is Apincittá about?

Apincittà is an environmental association dedicated to the protection and enhancement of urban biodiversity. We are committed to creating green oases in the city, promoting the planting of native species and the creation of ecological corridors to encourage the migration of pollinating insects. We organise environmental education activities to make citizens and institutions aware of the importance of protecting our natural heritage.

What are your values? What impact do you want to make on the territory and the community around you?

Apincittà’s mission is to create advocacy and civic lobbying activities in order to develop social awareness and critical mass to direct decision-makers, political and non-political, on the creation of suitable activities to improve the urban biodiversity system.

Tell us about the biodiversity park you are setting up in Monza! What is meant by ‘biodiversity’ and how does the park help to preserve it?

The Garden of Biodiversity and Legality is the main tool with which we want to reach as many people as possible and involve them in good practices for the preservation of biodiversity, the heritage of present and future generations.

Biodiversity for us means the presence and preservation of bees and pollinators, which are seriously threatened by the lack of flower meadows. Together with other associations and networks of citizens, we are developing an ecological corridor (i.e. the presence of environmental oases at various points in the city of Monza, equipped to welcome pollinators all year round).

The dadant apiary at the Biodiversity Park in Apincittá

What is the role of bees in biodiversity and the ecosystem? Why is it important to protect these pollinating insects?

A proper balance between bees and other pollinating insects is of paramount importance, none should overwhelm in numbers. Bees not only provide us with honey but together with all other pollinators they are of paramount importance for pollination and thanks to the scientific study being done on them they are environmental sentinels and help us understand the health of the environment around us.

What are the most significant challenges you faced during the development and implementation of this project? How did you overcome them?

The first challenge was to overcome people’s mistrust of bees, which pose no danger as they are insects that do not interfere with human activities. To this end, in an attempt to bring the most curious people closer in total safety and to make the community more aware of the role of pollinators, we installed an urban B-BOX hive (by Beeing). This beehive will be used to hold meetings with citizens and to introduce them to the beauty of the microcosm of bees.

Why did you choose to collaborate with Beeing and accept the donation of the B-BOX beehive? How does this beehive fit into the park’s broader project?

Beeing and Apincittà share a common mission: to protect bees, precious guardians of biodiversity, and to raise public awareness of the importance of their role in the ecosystem. Through initiatives aimed at citizens and companies, we promote sustainable and responsible beekeeping. Our B-BOX is a bridge that connects people to the wonderful world of bees, offering a unique and safe experience to observe their tireless work up close. In this way, we not only contribute to the preservation of these pollinating insects, but also promote a more sustainable lifestyle and greater respect for nature.

The urban beehive B-BOX donated by the start-up Beeing to Apincittá

What are the next steps for this collaboration? Are there any other projects in the pipeline involving Beeing and the biodiversity park?

The Beeing/Apincittà collaboration is just at the beginning, we are working on an ambitious scientific project for the monitoring of bees, we want to be their point of reference for the provinces of Milan and Monza also for educational activities aimed at citizens and companies

Say hello to the friends of Beeing!

Hello friends of Beeing and let us remember that each of us can be a defender of nature, even with small gestures such as planting bee-friendly flowers and aromatic essences on the balcony!

The Garden of Biodiversity and Legality is much more than just a park. It is a symbol of hope and an invitation to action. Thanks to the efforts of Apincittà, Monza is becoming a model for other Italian cities.

Each of us can contribute to creating a more sustainable future, starting with small everyday gestures. Let’s plant a flower, support local initiatives, spread awareness of the importance of bees. Together we can make a difference.

We thank Mattia for his passion and commitment, and invite everyone to follow him on this extraordinary journey.

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