Beeing and Quinto Vicentino: together for a greener future with the Agrifuturo project

BEEING’s mission has always been to protect bees and to disseminate urban beekeeping as a tool for the transition towards sustainable cities. In pursuit of these goals, we have developed several projects concerning the development of urban beekeeping, digital innovation, training with schools and public authorities and much more.

Since May 2023, we have taken part in the AGRIFUTURO project, conceived by Adaptev. The aim of the project is to enhance the Veneto’s rural territory through experimentation and innovation, transforming the PIA-R cycle path into an experiential route aimed at discovering the agriculture of the future.

In particular, the project was divided into four thematic areas and we, as BEEING, were able to work on the part related to agriculture and climate change, in order to experiment new techniques for adaptation in agriculture in fragile/vulnerable territories in the municipality of Quinto Vicentino.

But what were our initiatives within the project?

First of all, we decided to continue along the path we have been following for years, trying to spread a culture oriented towards the conservation of biodiversity, drawing attention to the theme of protecting and safeguarding bees and their crucial role in the ecosystem.

To do this, thanks to the coordination with the Quinto Vicentino municipality, we organised more than a dozen lessons on the theme of bees and biodiversity at a number of local schools, so as to introduce the wonderful world of bees to the new generations. In fact, one of our bee experts went to the various participating schools and revealed to the children curiosities and secrets about the world of pollinators, educating them about their fundamental role in our ecosystem!

Furthermore, we would like to give young students the opportunity to get even closer to this world, and we are planning to organise visits to the Beeing apiary installed in the municipality of Quinto Vicentino in the future, together with local schools.

As part of the Agrifuturo project, we installed an educational apiary at the Tesina River. In this area, we installed one of our urban B-BOX beehives, an innovative beehive created with the idea of making beekeeping accessible and safe even in urban contexts. As well as giving the opportunity to practice beekeeping even in the heart of the city.

This type of hive is particularly suitable for use in projects of this kind thanks to its special features. In fact, thanks to the hive’s transparent walls, it is possible to closely observe the fascinating activity of bees. This makes it possible to use it to organise educational and training experiences of this kind in a much simpler and safer way.

We at Beeing are keen to ensure responsible beekeeping, and therefore a professional beekeeper (partner of Beeing) has been involved in the Agrifuturo project. He will manage the B-BOX beehive for 12 months, so that the health of the bees is protected as much as possible.

The Agrifuturo project represents a beacon of hope for the future. Thanks to the commitment of BEEING and the Municipality of Quinto Vicentino, this project proves that collaboration and innovation can create a better world.

And this is just the beginning: together, we can build a sustainable future for bees, agriculture and generations to come!

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