Pollution-free seed confetti

Did you know that there’s a way to throw confetti at carnival while doing good for the planet?

The idea comes from german company “Saatgutkonfetti” wich has created confetti with seeds inside, once launched will fall to the ground and with the right conditions will give life to a beautiful flower.

We’re used to thinking of confetti as small pieces of paper or plastic, thrown in large quantities at parties and rarely collected for recycling. In a time like today where we are trying to make everything more sustainable and less harmful to the environment, confetti is a big deal. The German company thought to solve the issue by creating 100% vegan and certified organic confetti. In fact, confetti are made up of small fragments of starch and dye, dissolve quickly and let the seeds inside fall to the ground giving birth to a flower.

The company has carefully selected the seeds to be inserted inside the confetti: 24 plant species that, besides giving life to beautiful flowers, are also very appreciated by bees. The seeds can be of different types, so they can adapt to any type of soil.

At the moment what makes these confetti less affordable than the classic ones is the price, a pack of 20 grams is sold around 7.50 euros. However, it must be considered that the confetti are handmade and made of organic raw materials.

The German company is not the only one to sell confetti containing seeds, an Italian company also sells them: “Grin Eco Attitude”. The latter sells “Throw and Grow Confetti”, confetti made from recycled paper and containing several species of seeds including Daisy, Silene, SnapDragon, Black Eye Susan and others.


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